I attempted to make buttercream roses recently. And here's the result. It's not much but considering it was my first attempt, I think these roses are pretty sweet. No? Yes?
Friday, August 31, 2007
Posted by
Azian hasan
7:59 PM
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Ubi kayu rebus makan dengan kelapa(dicampurkan dengan sedikit garam dan banyak gula)...panas-panas...tentu sedap lagikan. Minum pulak dengan kopi-o atau teh-o. ummmm.Ubi kayu rebus ni memang special. Selain daripada makan dengan kelapa boleh jugak makan dengan ikan masin + sambal belacan, masak pinjan atau masak kari dengan ikan bilis( kalau ada rezeki saya akan tunjukkan cara memasaknya). Sekali sekala makan ubi kayu rebus memang tak hingat dunia, tambahan pulak kalau isinya lembut dan gebu aje.
Bila tengok gambar ubi kayu rebus ni teringat pulak cerita mak saya masa-masa sebelum merdeka dulu, mak saya cakap memang ubi kayu le makanan utamanya.Daripada buah sampailah kebatangnya boleh dijadikan juadah. Infact kulitnya pun boleh di buat gulai lemak. Katanya, memang dah tak larat lagi nak tengok ubi kayu tapi apakan daya dah tak ada makanan lain, makan aje la.
Bersyukur banyak-banyak, kita sekarang boleh pilih nak makan apa yang kita suka, kan! Melimpah-limpah nikmatnya.
Jadi kalau belum terlambat saya nak ucapkan kepada semua...
'SelamatMenyambut Hari Kemerdekaan Yang ke -50 '.
Posted by
Azian hasan
9:30 AM
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Monday, August 27, 2007
Asma turns 12
Posted by
Azian hasan
9:13 PM
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Monday, August 20, 2007
If you have a leftover food (sambal tumis or spaghetti sauce), why don't you mesh it with mayonnaise and boiled egg yolk.
Stuffed this filling into the boiled egg. Simple and not time consuming. Delicious...try it.
Posted by
Azian hasan
10:51 PM
Menu Dan Memo
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Muffin Durian
Yesss...... I finally baked muffin durians... after so long... its so fulfilling. I would like to think I invented muffin durian a couple years back (coz I've never come across any like these before.... of course I stand to be corrected. But until then, I'll dream on).
If you have a left-over durian why not give it a try. You'll get a moist muffin if you stuff with a durian filling.
Taste-wise, depending on much you put in the filling, it's simply delicious. And if you are "hantu" durian like me, you'll fill it as much as possible with durian.
To bake this durian muffin, it's rather easy, just like any other muffin but of course please don't simply stuff raw durian into it, no matter how sweet the fruit is.
Below is the recipe for a filling:
Durians - mesh it.
Corn flour
Custard powder
Brown sugar
Pinch of salt
Fresh milk
(My apology, I don't usually follow exact measurement with this recipe. So let your taste bud take control and simply add in all the above ingredient as you like it.)
Put in all the ingredients in a pan and stir it on continuously on a stove until cooked. (make sure its a bit "pekat"). Once it's ready just follow the usual steps in making a muffin. You know, instead of the blueberry jam, stuff it with the durian filling. Then bake it.
To be honest, more often than not, I don't usually make the muffin from scratch. I used Aunty Anne's (original) mix muffin, I cheated a bit. Well, it's o.k ... take a short cut once a while.
I like using Aunty Anne's as the muffin texture comes out really nice. I like it. Those who have tasted my durian muffin love it too.
Overall, the durian filling itself makes this muffin special. I'm pleased with this creation of mine. Clap clap clap.
So go ahead, give it a try..
Posted by
Azian hasan
1:13 PM
Menu Dan Memo
Friday, August 10, 2007
Alia's 13th Birthday Cake Round 1
Today is Alia' 13th birthday. Dulu masa dia kecik-kecik selalu teringat bila dah besar nanti macamana ye... segala macam benda yang nak di risaukan. Dari kecik sampailah besar, and as a mother( normal lah tu) dari benda yang sebesar zarah sampailah yang besar-besar semuanya risau but things will go as good as it flow, as long we work for it. Alhamdulillah., I'm proud of herAs in previous years, birthdays in my family are celebrated among ourselves. The dish are usually simple tapi yang penting ada kek. Macam birthday Alia yang ini, I baked this cherry up-side down cake. However, this time around instead of tiup lilin, Alia potong riben dekat kek, macam orang launching event. Actually that idea came about because there are no candles around. Desperate measure call for creative solution.
Posted by
Azian hasan
9:46 PM
Menu Dan Memo
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Decorating Lamp Shades
Hi semua,
Tajuk: Projek Terkini Kat Rumah.
Tujuan: Nak selamatkan duit beli lamp shades.
Tarikh buat: Last Friday.
Memang dah lama nak buat projek ni, tapi macam biasa, malas... Jadi minggu lepas, my 3 girls paksa i buat jugak. Tak banyak modalnya cuma beli bunga dan gam uhu jer. Bunga pun beli yang murah , asalkan colournya striking. Hasilnya boleh tahan jugak. Idea ni datangnya dari program Martha Stewart( my fav. tv program).
Ini bahan-bahannya. Bunga, gam, lamp shade yang dah lama dan jemu dipandang.
Posted by
Azian hasan
9:02 AM
Menu Dan Memo
Friday, August 3, 2007
Apple Crumble Cake
I baked this Apple Crumble Cake last Saturday. Hari ni baru dapat update blog selepas we all satu family tak berapa sihat. Alhamduliilah now dah ok. For those yang nakkan kelainan dalam resipi dessert, you should try resipi ni.
A Crumble Cake is actually a perfect dessert especially if you want to incorporate fruits in the menu. For instance, you can use peach or blueberry instead of apple. Green apples are commonly use compared to red apple or other types of apple. It is because green apple got both sweet and tangy sour taste.
It can be baked rather quickly and it tastes superb. The batter is somewhat like a pancake batter and all you do is to bake it with the fruit in the oven.
I believe, you will have a fantastic lasting dessert with a beautiful aroma of freshly baked fruits in the air.
You can serve thisApple Crumble Cake with ice-cream or taburkan icing sugar whenever you want to serve it. Below is the recipe. Jom ikut saya buat step-by- step.
185 gram Mentega
185 gram Gula Castor
3 biji Kuning telur
Kulit dan jus dari 1 biji lemon
Sedikit garam
Sedikit serbuk kayu manis
300 gram tepung naik sendiri
1 1/2 sudu teh baking powder
4 biji epal hijau
Pukul mentega dengan gula
Masukkan telur dan pukul lagi
Masukkan garam , serbuk kayu manis, jus dan kulit lemon, tepung dan foldkan .
Masukkan ke dalam oven selama 10-15 minit dalalm150 darjah C
Bahan -bahan untuk crumble(B)
200 gram tepung kek
1oo gram gula perang
sedikit garam 125 mentega (di cairkan)
Caranya:Masukkan kesemua bahan ke dalam mangkuk dan gaul menggunakan mixer atau boleh gunakan tangan sahaja.
Taburkan adunan tadi di atas susunana epal tadi dan bakar dalam suhu yang sama selama 10-15 minit.
Posted by
Azian hasan
7:58 PM
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