Since dah lama tak berblog, maka tercetuslah idea to post entry on kid’s recipe. I hope such entries will help you to go through the school holidays in a more enjoyable manner where you and your kids will have a fun time in a kitchen. Just like what I’m hoping for with the girls and I here.
To kick off such entry, the girls and I decided to bake a cake. A simple one. It has been decided that we will have a kitchen moment together once a week until the end of school holiday. My girls, chef Alia, chef Asma and chef Arissa will be responsible in gathering all the ingredients, cracking eggs, pouring flour, stirring, mixing etc. The Mak will only supervise -- I am enjoying this.
I hope with this experience, we will help them become independent in the kitchen, as well as an opportunity for them to learn how to follow instructions, basic math skills, nutrion and cleaning up.
It will be fun!…………or a disaster? So for the first session, we made this....
1 packet of biskut marie.
11/2 cups of water.
1/2 cup sugar.
1/2 cup milo.
2tbsp susu pekat.
2tbsp butter.
1tbsp cocoa powder.
1 egg.
Whisk egg in a small bowl
Pour in a pan together with water, sugar, milo, milk, butter and cocoa powder.
Put it in a slow fire-stir
After 5 minutes add 'biskut marie' and stir it very gently.
Cook until the biscuits is soft.
Transfer it to the baking pan and what do you know... it's ready.......and ready to eat. Yes, cake yang tak perlu dibakar.
Don't forget to pelawa your parents and sibling to eat together.
One bite
Finally, we named it 'Crazy Marie'....
#Begin your child's kitchen adventure with...wooden spoons, plastic or metal mixing bowls, wire whisk, plastic or aluminium measuring cups, and a child sized apron.
# Safety first- Keep young children away from a hot stove, oven, sharp knives dan apa-apa bahan yang sewaktu dengannya.
# Allow even the youngest chef to pour the ingredients into a bowl; flour, sugar, eggs etc. #Remember to turn the mixer off first
#.Cracking eggs can be a challenge for little chefs. Allow them to practice a bit by cracking the eggs into a separate bowl at first. Then you can remove any shells before adding the eggs to remaining ingredients.
#But most important rules:Mak mesti ada with their kids. Jangan tidur atau pergi shopping