Phewwwww.... what a Raya! This year, for some reasons, we did not balik kampung at all. So its Raya in USJ this year and although it'll have been better if my mom and MIL can Raya here as planned, we still managed to pull off a fun Raya.
And I've been on cooking marathon since the last day of Ramadan to jamu the tetamu..... (and now on the eve of school day... suddenly I felt exremely exhausted).
Here are some of the dishes that came out of my kitchen this Raya ....
First Raya - My two brothers and their family came over and we had some serious makan-makan session....
Fourth Day Raya - We decided to go kampung style... (on second day we went to Sg Buloh for raya and on the third day, well, we were doing absolutely nothing)
Eighth day - More guests came over and they were served with
What glorious feasting!