Friday, September 14, 2007


The Yam Cake (pix by Asma)

Today for buka puasa I made a Yam Cake. A favourite of dear hubby. Yam Cake ni actually is famous among the Chinese. It's a chinese dish. Anyway, this particular recipe was by a very dear family friend whom I called Kak Yap.
When I was still in my secondary school, Kak Yap ni was our next door neighbour for a couple of months. She was nurse at Pusat Kesihatan Kampar. When she moved to the hospital quarters not far away, she still datang over our place after work. She cycled over almost everyday. She would cook for us, most of the time. So we learned quite a few Chinese recipe (especially my sister as I was still very young so lebih kepada makan lar).
Even during puasa pun she will come and cook for us like this particular Yam cake. She would join us for buka puasa and when we did our Maghrib prayers, she would sit by watching us. Then we had dinner. Lepas tu we buat session mengaji Al-Quran. After that dia pulang. For many, having a Chinese girl over even for buka puasa every day, let alone cooking for us, would be considered odd but really to us it was nothing.
Then she got married and moved away and we lost contact. Too bad... but now looking back at those days, I simply love being a Malaysian. What a feeling!
Anyway, here I'm sharing you the recipe. Sedap ooooo....

Yam Cake
Bahan A
1 biji keladi(saiz sederhana) -dipotong dadu
3 biji bawang merah -dimayang halus
2 sudu sos tiram
Sedikit minyak bijan
Sedikit garam
Minyak untuk menumis

2 cawan tepung beras
3 cawan air

Bahan Hiasan
100gram udang kering (digoreng tanpa minyak dan di kisar)
1 bungkus bawang goreng
3 biji cili merah (dihiris)
Daun bawang dan daun sop(dihiris)

Cara membuatnya:
Bahan A
Panaskan minyak dan tumis bawang sehingga wangi
Masukkan keladi dan sedikit air
Masukkan sos tiram, garam dan minyak bijan
Biarkan di atas api sehingga separuh masak dan set aside

Bancuh tepung beras dan air
Campurkan dengan bahan A
Selepas 10 minit taburkan bahan hiasan ke atas kek keladi dan tekan menggunakan sudu. Selepas 2 minit tabur lagi bahan C dan lakukan semula selepas 2 minit untuk lapisan yang teratas.

Enak dimakan bersama sos cili. (My hubby mesti nak makan dengan Sos Cili Lingam)


  1. azian,

    i pun suka mkn kuih nih...nanti nak try la

  2. zai,
    sorry lama tak update the blog... been busy. Anyway dah cuba ker this recipe?

  3. salam..found your blog by accident and terpanggil to get to know also a mom but to 4 girls! went also to your daughters' blogs. hope to keep in touch to just share thoughts from time to time..can?

  4. mumsie,
    thanks for visiting. Eh seronoknya dapat sorang lagi kawan online. Yeas do keep in touch...

  5. yay! I dah buat the yam cake semalam..niiiiceee....TQ!

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